Tuesday, June 13, 2023

You Can Enjoy Amazing 100% Keto Dinner Rolls…


Let Me Show You How - In Less Than 25 Minutes - You Can Enjoy Amazing 100% Keto Dinner Rolls…

  • Hi there!

    The dinner rolls you see above are the most savory, delicious rolls you can imagine. The outside is crispy... the inside is light and fluffy....

    And it's 100% Keto!

    Every buttery bite will make you completely forget that you’re on a diet.

    Your kids will beg, “Please just one more!”

    And your friends and family will be shocked when they find out that their creamy fettuccine is actually healthy!

    Not JUST Bread...

    How About Delicious Keto Pasta & Pizza?

    These “comfort” foods are not only delicious -- they also help your body burn fat...

    In fact, every bite of bread or pasta is fueling your body with vitamins, minerals & fats..

    These are the foods that you thought you’d have to give up forever…

    Plus, every single loaf, bowl or slice is 100% free from inflammatory ingredients.

    And this creamy fettuccine is rich enough to satisfy anybody’s pasta craving…

    The best part - of course - is that these foods contain almost no carbs or sugars. And this pasta tastes so good, you’ll never be tempted to cheat with non-keto foods.

    Most importantly, these keto recipes are full of flavorful spices that have been tested in my own kitchen.

    Freshly-baked Keto Bread That Is MORE Delicious Than "Regular" Bread!

    MOST “healthy” bread tastes absolutely awful.

    The ones you buy at the store (if you can find one) are usually dry and crumbly - not like real bread at all.

    My keto bread is fluffy and light and it doesn’t fall apart. It tastes like real bread and it chews like real bread.

    And the aroma when it comes out of the oven is divine.

    Plus, all of my breads are filled with flavor … cinnamon, ghee, banana, walnuts, vanilla ... So delicious!

    And that’s not all - my new cookbook is packed with mouth-watering Keto recipes.

    I personally developed each and every recipe, so I can promise you they’re absolutely delicious and easy to make.

    My new Keto Bread, Pasta, and Pizza Cookbooks -- now anybody can look like a seasoned chef in just minutes...

    In this collection of 3 amazing cookbooks, you’ll find over 70 easy, fat-burning meals like…

    Keto bread pasta pizza page design collage 1-min

    Every recipe is designed to be ‘stupidly easy’ (and super-fast) to make.

    It’s hard to believe, but almost all of these meals take only 5-30 minutes of work in the kitchen to make!

    Many meals use only a handful of ingredients, and if you miss savory comfort foods, then you’re going to love this collection.

    This is the solution to not only sticking to your keto diet, but loving it.

    And if you’ve got kids, grandkids, or a significant other, then this will blow them away.

    My Most Requested Keto ‘Carb’ Recipes

    After spending months in the kitchen, I decided to include ALL of my best Keto bread, pasta, and pizza recipes in The Keto Bread, Pasta, and Pizza Cookbook Collection

    Here are a few of the most popular recipes from the thousands of people who bought the original version:

  • Fat-Burning Bread, Pasta, and Pizza -- Delicious, Fast, and So Easy That Anybody Can “Wow” Their Family

    ...While Also Saving A TON of Time and $$$...

    Starting tonight, you can use this simple kitchen “magic trick” -- and turn bread, pasta and pizza into fat-burning, delicious Keto meals…


    You can imagine how much of a god-send that is for someone who is craving those carb-filled favorites.

    These foods are inexpensive, fast, and easy ... and every single time, you get delicious, fat-burning Keto comfort foods ...

    You may not think it’s possible at first. But after whipping up everything from Keto ‘ravioli’ to ‘sourdough bread’ you’ll be blown away.

    If you're trying to lose weight and get healthy on a keto diet, then Keto breads, pastas, and pizzas like this are a MUST.

    And here's the absolute easiest way to do that…

    Keto is THE most powerful diet in the world…

    And this is a ‘FOOL-PROOF’ way to get started and keep from ‘falling off the wagon’...

    You don’t have to be an experienced cook… or even ‘know your way around a kitchen.’

    In fact, the most difficult part of many of these recipes will be explaining to your friends you are still on Keto.

    These simple, delicious meals are the most delicious way to start your Keto journey.

    Bread Pizza Pasta new recipes desktop-min

    More importantly, because these meals are so delicious and so easy, it’s easier to keep eating keto than it is to cheat.

    That means you’re way more likely to stick to your diet and get the results you’ve always wanted.

    Inside the collection, there are mouth-watering recipes for rich and hearty pastas, soft and chewy breads, and savory Keto versions of your favorite pizzas to satisfy any carb cravings you have.

    Here’s a taste of what you’ll be getting...

    Can’t you imagine yourself enjoying these meals every night?

    Especially when they’re helping you and your family burn fat and stay healthy on a daily basis...

    From burning fat to boosting energy... even stars like Halle Berry[1] and athletes like LeBron James[2] swear by it...

    A growing number of doctors and nutritionists are recognizing the potential of a keto diet.

    In addition to losing more weight and feeling more energetic all day…

    Many folks - just like you - are also seeing their cholesterol and blood sugar stay at healthier levels.

    They’re living their healthiest lives -- without sacrificing their time or giving up foods they love.

    Just imagine spending less time, less money, and less effort -- but getting even better results...

    Most people believe that they don’t have enough willpower to lose weight.

    Or they believe they don’t have enough energy.

    Or enough time…

    But these simple, and delicious dishes give you more time AND more energy for all the things you enjoy.

    And every day, more pounds fall away…

    Until all your friends and family are asking for your secret.

    Thousands of people are using these exact recipes to wake up every morning loving how they look and feel...

    This is NOT a fantasy…

    It really is possible with this new Keto Bread, Pasta, and Pizza Cookbook Collection.

    From soft and chewy breads… to rich, hearty pastas ... to amazing pizza ...

    This is as easy and delicious as it gets.

    I know because I’ve been where you are now…

    I’ve struggled for years with nagging weight issues, digestive problems, and low energy.

    And I’ve spent hours in the kitchen -- prepping, cooking and serving meals -- even when I was already exhausted and wanted to spend that time doing anything else…

    The "Silly" Reason I First Started Keto...

    Hi, I’m Louise, founder of Keto Summit and author of The Keto Bread, Pasta, and Pizza Cookbook Collection.

    Now… most people start a Keto diet to lose weight or get healthy.

    But me -- I like to joke that the real reason I went Keto was because…

    I just loved ‘comfort foods’ too much.

    It sounds silly, but it’s true.

    No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop eating carb-loaded foods that I knew were bad for me.

    About 7 years ago, my husband Jeremy and I both had a number of health issues - weight gain, fatigue, Candida, autoimmune disorder, and more.

    We knew that our diet was a big part of why we were feeling bad. But we found it so hard to give up all the foods we loved.

    And then, one day Jeremy told me about Keto. He thought Keto might finally help him lose weight and help me heal some of my gut issues.

    I was skeptical.

    Cutting out all of my favorite breads, pastas, and pizzas seemed like a huge price to pay. In fact…

    Keto Sounded Terrible To Me At First … But I Was Desperate for a Solution…

    At first, I couldn’t understand why we needed to cut out most carbs.

    And I was worried that Keto is going to make my problems worse (like bloating, heartburn, and IBS).

    But most of all, I LOVED savory foods.

    I was convinced that a Keto diet meant I had to eat one boring, bland meal after another.

    Jeremy convinced me to try it anyway -- he assured me that we could still eat delicious foods full of healthy fats and spices.

    Tempted by Non-Keto Foods

    He also explained that cutting out sugars and carbs would probably help me feel less tired all the time. That really hit home for me.

    So I decided to give it a try...

    Going Keto Quickly Helped Me Lose Weight, Improve My Health and Feel Way Better

    On Day #1 of going Keto, I woke up and ate bacon and eggs for breakfast.

    For lunch, I had a fresh salad with slices of warm chicken. Dinner was a delicious ribeye.

    The first few days were easy. I really like things like bacon, salads, and steak.

    However… on the morning of my fourth day, I was really surprised…

    Get this… When I woke up, I felt rested and energetic.

    I know, it doesn’t sound like much, but that was WEIRD for me -- I used to wake up and feel like I needed another 3 hours of sleep!

    Also, I didn’t feel hungry at all and had no cravings.

    I was hopeful that Keto would help me, but I hadn’t expected any of this…

    Jeremy was also enjoying it -- by the end of the week, he could tighten his belt by one notch.

    I Felt So Good And Stopped Craving Sugar… But I Missed My Old ‘Comfort Foods’...

    Before going Keto…

    • I constantly felt bloated and had heartburn.

    • My doctors told me I had IBS and that they couldn’t do much about it.

    • I’d get intense sugar cravings and be so grumpy if I couldn’t get a sweet treat every few hours - candy, cookies, cake, or anything sweet.

    However, after going keto and cutting out sugar and other processed foods…

    • I rarely got bloated.

    • I stopped having heartburn altogether.

    • My tummy - within a few weeks - felt like I could digest almost anything.

    • I generally stopped thinking about food so I had so few cravings.

    It’s no exaggeration to say that I was ecstatic. I just felt so much better.

    But the best part for me was this…

    I started feeling like I’d regained the energy and vitality of my youth, which made me feel incredible.

    Still, as good as I felt, I still LOVED and missed my comfort foods. So…

    I Created Keto Versions of All My Favorite Breads, Pastas, and Pizzas

    I love steaks, salads, bacon, veggies, and most Keto foods.

    But there’s just something about bread, pasta, and pizza that I really missed.

    So I searched the grocery store for Keto-friendly versions of those foods. I also bought books and tried making my own.

    But 99% of “Keto” snacks I tried were incredibly disappointing.

    Most of them were so bland (or disgusting) that I couldn’t even eat them.

    And the few times I found a yummy Keto ‘comfort food’, it either had a bunch of inflammatory ingredients or else required me to spend many hours shopping and cooking.

    I didn’t have the time or energy to keep searching for easy, healthy Keto meals that also tasted great.

    Most Keto ‘Carbs’ Contain a Slew of Inflammatory Ingredients

    Almost all of the Keto bread, pasta, and pizza recipes I found were super-unhealthy.

    Even though they were low in carbs, they had tons of terrible ingredients.

    For example, so many of the comfort food recipes contained seed oils like vegetable oil or sunflower oil -- which can make it really hard to lose weight.

    No, thank you.

    Also, nearly every savory Keto food I found was loaded with cheese and other processed dairy, which can increase fatigue and also hinder weight loss.

    If I was going to eat delicious Keto bread, pasta, and pizza while also losing weight and improving my health, I needed to do it myself…

    I needed to come up with my own versions of these foods, and I needed to get creative…

    20 Soft, Chewy Breads That Taste Like the “Real Thing”

    Keto breads can be absolutely delicious.

    However, Keto breads rarely have that soft, chewy texture of non-Keto loaves of bread.

    Sure, you could give up bread completely … but forever?

    It’s important to find soft, chewy Keto bread so that it makes your diet easier and more fun. But most “Keto” bread you find in the store are either processed or just tastes dry, flavorless, soft, or mushy.

    So I set out to create keto bread just like the bread I used to eat.

    The Keto Bread, Pasta, and Pizza Cookbook Collection

    Get Instant Access To All 4 Keto Cookbooks and Save 94%!

    That’s 94% off the retail price!

    Digital cookbooks will be emailed to you immediately.

    One-Time Charge - You will not be re-billed or charged again.

    60-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee



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You Can Enjoy Amazing 100% Keto Dinner Rolls…

  Let Me Show You How - In Less Than 25  Minutes - You Can Enjoy Amazing 100% Keto Dinner Rolls… Hi there! The dinner rolls you see above...